访问 WhatsApp iCloud 备份

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Your WhatsApp backup(s) are stored in a hidden folder of iCloud Drive on your MacBook (if you signed into iCloud and turned on iCloud Drive).
您的 WhatsApp 备份存储在 MacBook 上 iCloud Drive 的隐藏文件夹中(如果您登录 iCloud 并打开 iCloud Drive)。

To find your WhatsApp backup(s):
要查找您的 WhatsApp 备份:

Launch Terminal (in /Applications/Utilities folder) Type the following commands
启动终端(在 /Applications/Utilities 文件夹中)键入以下命令

cd ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/
find *whatsapp*

You should see all the files related to your WhatsApp backup(s).
您应该会看到与您的 WhatsApp 备份相关的所有文件。

If you don’t see anything, then make sure that iCloud drive is turned on. If you only see *.icloud files, then turn off “optimize mac storage” in the icloud system preferences.
如果您没有看到任何内容,请确保 iCloud 驱动器已打开。如果您只看到 *.icloud 文件,请在 icloud 系统偏好设置中关闭“优化 mac 存储”。

To my knowledge, you can’t access directly the messages as they are stored in an encrypted SQLite database.
据我所知,您无法直接访问这些消息,因为它们存储在加密的 SQLite 数据库中。

The documents, pictures and videos are stored in separate, unencrypted archives:

Document.tar (PDFs and other attachments) Media.tar (pictures) Video.tar (videos) To extract what’s in there, copy those files to your desktop via the following terminal command:
Document.tar(PDF 和其他附件) Media.tar(图片) Video.tar(视频) 要提取其中的内容,请通过以下终端命令将这些文件复制到桌面:

cp *whatsapp*/Accounts/*/backup/*.tar ~/Desktop

Then, double-click on the .tar files to extract a folder structure containing the files organised by conversation.
然后,双击 .tar 文件以提取包含按对话组织的文件的文件夹结构。

Note: If you have multiple WhatsApp accounts backed up to the same iCloud account, you’ll need to replace the ‘*’ between “Accounts/” and “/backup” by the desired phone number.
注意:如果您有多个 WhatsApp 帐户备份到同一个 iCloud 帐户,则需要将“Accounts/”和“/backup”之间的“*”替换为所需的电话号码。

The answer from Kanthala Raghu was correct for me. However, I got distracted by the fact that I (like other commenters) only found small .icloud files. The trick was a small comment that said to disable "Optimize Mac storage" (see step 5).
Kanthala Raghu 的答案对我来说是正确的。然而,我(像其他评论者一样)只找到了小的 .icloud 文件,这一事实让我分心。诀窍是一条小注释,表示禁用“优化 Mac 存储”(请参阅​​步骤 5)。

In short: 简而言之:

  1. Create the backup in your iPhone WhatsApp via Settings -> Chats -> Chat-Backup -> Backup create now
    通过 Settings -> Chats -> Chat-Backup -> Backup create now 在 iPhone WhatsApp 中创建备份
  2. On your Mac, open Terminal and goto folder cd ~/Library/Mobile Documents/
    在 Mac 上,打开终端并转到文件夹 cd ~/Library/Mobile Documents/
  3. Find the folder that has WhatsApp in the name find *whatsapp* and change into it.
    找到名称为 find *whatsapp* 且包含 WhatsApp 的文件夹并将其更改为该文件夹。For me the result looked like this; only small *.icloud files.
    对我来说,结果是这样的;只有小 *.icloud 文件。MyMacOne:Mobile Documents dietrich$ find *whatsapp* 34T7UZP4O8~net~whatsapp~WhatsApp 34T7UZP4O8~net~whatsapp~WhatsApp/Accounts 34T7UZP4O8~net~whatsapp~WhatsApp/Accounts/491731234567 34T7UZP4O8~net~whatsapp~WhatsApp/Accounts/491731234567/backup 34T7UZP4O8~net~whatsapp~WhatsApp/Accounts/491731234567/backup/.Thumbnail_1.tar.icloud 34T7UZP4O8~net~whatsapp~WhatsApp/Accounts/491731234567/backup/.ChatStorage.sqlite.enc.icloud ... 34T7UZP4O8~net~whatsapp~WhatsApp/Accounts/491731234567/backup/.Media.tar.icloud 34T7UZP4O8~net~whatsapp~WhatsApp/Accounts/491731234567/backup/.Document.tar.icloud 34T7UZP4O8~net~whatsapp~WhatsApp/Accounts/491731234567/backup/.BackedUpKeyValue.sqlite.enc.icloud 34T7UZP4O8~net~whatsapp~WhatsApp/Documents
  4. If you have no *.icloud files, goto step 6.
    如果您没有 *.icloud 文件,请转至步骤 6。
  5. On your Mac (mine is on Big Sur) open System Preferences -> Apple ID
    在您的 Mac 上(我的是 Big Sur),打开 System Preferences -> Apple ID
    There is a checkbox for Optimize Mac Storage, it should be deselected.
    有一个 Optimize Mac Storage 复选框,应取消选中它。 In my case it was selected and when I deselected it, the *.icloud files were replaced by the full files. Found it here: https://www.imore.com/how-customize-or-disable-optimized-storage-mac
    就我而言,它被选中,当我取消选择它时, *.icloud 文件被完整文件替换。在这里找到它:https://www.imore.com/how-customize-or-disable-optimized-storage-mac
  6. Copy *.tar files that contain the images and documents.
    复制包含图像和文档的 *.tar 文件。




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